Hi Art Dental Studio is a Crown and Bridge dental laboratory featuring highly esthetic metal-free restorations at two service levels:
Vantage Posterior service is monolithic stained and glazed Lithium Disilicate 'Emax' or select zirconia with basic shading and disposable plastic articulation. Vantage is intended to provide a solid performance at a competitive price and is intended for patients with moderate esthetic expectations.
Phenom service is porcelain-layered or advance stain and glazed Lithium Disilicate or select zirconia. Phenom is intended to provide uncompromising quality for patients with high esthetic expectations.
Phenom service is diagnostic-inclusive. Why isn't the diagnostic fee 'optional'? We feel diagnostic provides invaluable information to the restorative team before finalizing the case, therefore should be considered standard-practice in restorative dentistry.
What about 'digital'? Hi Art can process your digital cases by use of a Medit scanner and Exocad software and through in-house printing and outsourced milling. Click to learn more: